Separation, Personal Alienation, and Deterioration

Separation, Personal Alienation, and physical deterioration

Our problems are human ones.  They are complex and continually changing.  There are no simple solutions.  All solutions require communication, Reconciliation, and Co-operation among the people in our community.

Separation between people is our main challenge.  We are mainly separated by skin color, economics, and education.  Lack of community fellowship among people blocks resources and emotional support from people who can give it to people who need it.
We have the idea that we must separate ourselves from people who we think are different from us.
Our society perpetuates the idea that if you live in the older part of our city you are a failure.  We have promoted the idea that if you get an education and a better job that you must move to a newer house and a more suburban neighborhood.
There are too few opportunities for people in older neighborhoods to work and socialize together to help combat the "move up move out" idea.  Our older neighborhoods have churches and schools (the institutions that bring people together) that have too few participants for their programs who live in the surrounding neighborhood. These institutions that once held neighbors and neighborhoods together are not serving that purpose like they did in the past.
Where different age groups once mingled and worked together at the church and school in their neighborhood,  now adults often are suspicious and even afraid of their neighbors and teenagers in their neighborhood.
If we promote the idea that success is moving to a suburban neighborhood... then you are a failure unless you live in the most expensive house in the most exclusive neighborhood.  The result is what we often get...abandoned neighborhoods where no one wants to maintain or own property, or develop relationships with their neighbors.

Communication, Reconciliation, Co-operation, and maintenance and reconstruction.

We need to promote the concept that success is not where you live but how you live and your relationship with your family and your neighbors.
We need to change government housing programs that penalize families with parents who are married and that reward people who do not establish committed parental bonds for their children.
  We need to work with churches to encourage their members to live in the neighborhood around the church and become involved with their neighbors.
We need to encourage public and private schools to become more involved in the neighborhoods surrounding their schools.  Schools should make it easier for children in the surrounding neighborhood to attend their neighborhood school.
We need to encourage regular home maintenance and updating of homes in our older neighborhoods.  We should find a way to reduce the cost for the replacement of lead pipes supplying homes in older neighborhoods.  We should find a way to reduce the cost of the replacement of outdated plumbing and electrical systems.  We should find a way to reduce the cost of the safe removal of lead paint and asbestos.
We need to encourage the establishment or renewal of citizen councils in every neighborhood to meaningfully participate with the City government in regulating and implementing the enforcement and encouraging the following of laws that affect the well being of the neighborhood (zoning, housing, parks, police, etc.)
We need to encourage the well being of neighborhood business districts.  We need to find more ways to encourage and even subsidize remodeling of outdated structures and functional hardware. These buildings are privately owned but also are a part of the community and will affect the city long after the present owner is gone.   We need to help neighborhood business districts develop better parking and help them advertise in the surrounding neighborhood to reduce the need for parking.
We need to increase the effort to educate our children about the hazards of using mind altering drugs, alcohol and tobacco.  We need to remove the profit of selling illegal drugs by considering providing those drugs, in a clinical/medical setting with treatment, for those people who have become addicted.

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